Just got back from a very short trip on rt 4. Spent part of an afternoon on the North fork of the Stanislaus river at Board's Crossing. This is a quick sample.
This is one of a few images presented as a photograph as opposed to my general desire to use photographs as a basis for a painterly image.
It resides in the GALLERY here, where you can see a larger version of it.
I'll continue to add images, older and newer, at a more rapid pace than in the past. Over the next few weeks, I expect to have 60 to 70 active images; most with supporting text: descriptions and editions availability.
I'm spending a considerable amount of time printing as well. I've been working with Museo fine art paper recently, and feel very comfortable with it. I intend to evaluate Red River papers. I've used their photo paper with good results.
I've added Charles Sheeler to my new influences pages - master nav link at the top of the page.
My plan is to add artists' images I enjoy, or have some relevancy to my work, as I have time. Initial access is through my Contact page, but will grow into more of a gallery process as I go along....I hope. Howard Pyle's images from Otto of the Silver Hand are the first to be available, today.
In the book section of the website, I've started a booklist of books I've read this year, with the intention of reminding myself what I've read, make some brief comments on those I've found worthwhile...and relative to the art section, note books of interest or value to my work.
I often give books I like as presents, and have collected a number of art and photography books which I offer for sale or have linked to amazon for those interested.
I've entered this with a number of other images for consideration at The Art of Photography Show in San Diego in April. Wish me luck, as I would very much like to start having my images recognized by the art world.
I haven't printed this one yet. I've done a number of fall leaf images including the home page long exposure photo of a Maple in our yard on Christmas night.
See the USA was shot with a Canon A70 digital camera at the Woodies on the Warf in Santa Cruz. I liked this single vehicle. It reminded me of prepping for commercial shoots, waiting for the weather. Back when gas was $.25. Happy 4th of July.
In some ways, I'm starting over with my workflow driven by this website. I'm revisiting every image, now that I've gotten better at Photoshop and revising and reprinting virtually every image.