The image 'BURNT' was chosen to be a part of the fall show "Transitions" at The Fredrick Gallery in the Fredricksburg Center for the Creative Arts, Fredricksburg, VA.
'BURNT' is part of a series of photographs made above the South fork of the American River in and adjacent to the Desolation Wilderness, the scene of of the 2001 Red Star Fire. The Red Star Fire consumed 17,500 acres of forest .The USDA-FS determined it will take 100 years to reestablish large trees (>24” diameter at breast height) and at least 250 years to develop old trees with decadence features that would be beneficial to wildlife.
September -- National Art Exhibit Transitions
Opening reception: First Friday, September 3 from 6 - 8:30 p.m;
Exhibit dates: August 29 – September 24, 2010;
Amie Oliver, juror.